Norma Grinberg Space
In the studio, the artist can express all his concerns, from conceptual and aesthetic to practical and technical, transforming them into visual poetics. The closer it is to a space that the artist deems ideal for the performance of his work, the more the studio creates conditions for art to manifest itself in its entirety, to deepen, to expand, to exceed limits, to open doors. A studio does not do the work, but allows the work to be done in conditions - as much as possible - optimal.
A studio also has a certain character of authorial work, in that, in it, in the external and internal architecture, even in the simple disposition of accessories and equipment, personal reflections on the process of artistic creation are expressed.
When conceiving the studio, together with the late architect Gilberto Nascimento, responsible for the project and realization, I brought together elements of art history, concepts about artistic making and technical impositions inherent to ceramics. Yes, because a ceramics studio must attend to almost industrial issues and consider that the work, from drawing to completion, goes through successive stages: modeling, molding, casting, finishing, first firing, enamelling, second firing, third firing ...
The studio is a dream come true. A dream that I would like to share with the friends of yesterday and today - the friends of forever. A space that, in itself, is a tribute to this greater art, with roots that are lost in time, which is ceramics. ”
Norma Grinberg